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Knowledge. Experience. Commitment. Building a Sustainable Future Together.


Empowering Developers and Projects

We Turn Land into Profit.


Our experienced team empowers landowners and developers to unlock the full potential of their properties. With comprehensive expertise in solar project development and investment, we guide you from concept to completion.


What we do:


  • End-to-end solutions: From site acquisition and permits to financing and power purchase agreements – we handle every aspect of your project.

  • Sustainable value creation: We develop projects that deliver attractive returns for all stakeholders while contributing to local infrastructure and the energy transition.

  • Proven track record: Our growing team possesses deep knowledge in all areas of solar project development and implementation.

Let's build a brighter future together.

Contact us today to learn how we can make your next project a success.

For Landowners

As a farmer or agricultural cooperative, you can increase your long-term yields from agricultural land with low land values.

Sheep in Open Fields
Village with vineyards and river

For Municipalities

As a municipality, you can work with us to increase your municipal income from agricultural land with low land values ​​in the long term.

For Investors

We offer co-development partnerships, especially at a stage when there are still unforeseeable implementation risks during project development.

Photovoltaic panels on a field

Our Services

Abstract illustration of connectors

Investing in PV-projects

Our diversified, sustainable and opportunistic investment approach shall be secured through investing in a broad variety of portfolio assets across a number of distinct geographies, mix of renewable energy technologies and a range of investment entry levels. We expressly look for investments in assets and companies which have assets under development or construction, including  storage and repowering.

Abstract illustration of arches

International and local

Our team has been engaged in asset and project related transactions all over the world. We continuously monitor all current, but, in particular, future markets in order be already invested, whilst our potential customers yet explore such new prospective markets.

Abstract illustration of a leaf growing

Experience in PV industry

Our history and competence starts before the project development and investment process. Our team has experience reaching back to the beginning of the industry. We have implemented industrial production facilities for any kind of renewable energy goods.

Get to Know Us

Proven Success & Trustworthy Partnerships


We have a strong track record of successful investments, built on a foundation of trust, confidentiality, and sustainable business practices. Our valued network of partners relies on our discretion and commitment to long-term success.


Let's connect and explore how we can collaborate to achieve your investment goals.

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