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Development in partnership

Our experienced team empowers landowners and developers to unlock the full potential of their properties. With comprehensive expertise in solar project development and investment, we guide you from concept to completion.

Solar Panels Technician

Our Services

Support through experience and competence.


Investing in PV-projects

We secure a diversified, sustainable, and opportunistic investment approach by strategically investing in a wide range of renewable energy assets across various geographies, technologies, and development stages. We actively seek opportunities in projects under development, construction, or repowering, ensuring a resilient and adaptable portfolio that maximizes potential returns.


Experience in PV-industry

Our history and expertise in the renewable energy sector predates the project development and investment landscape. Our team's experience extends back to the industry's inception, having established and operated industrial production facilities for a wide array of renewable energy technologies.


International and local

The renewable energy market's value chain has become truly global, encompassing the industrial production of diverse renewable energy technologies, the identification and development of project opportunities, the sourcing and procurement of materials and services for project implementation, and the provision of short- and long-term financing for these assets.


Long-term assets

The successful implementation of renewable energy projects relies heavily on investments in both land and technical infrastructure. As part of our unwavering commitment to sustainable energy solutions, we actively seek opportunities to invest in long-term assets like power grids, substations, and other critical infrastructure essential for the efficient operation of photovoltaic systems.

Project development step by step

The total time from site analysis to commissioning varies from project to project and depends on any delays in the construction planning process steps. Sometimes it happens faster, but sometimes it takes longer than planned. Basically, we set a period of around 18 to 36 months for the development phase.

Abstract illustration of different plants

Months 1 to 3

Location analysis, 
Usage contract,

Network inquiry to the responsible network operator.


Abstract illustration of connectors

Months 13 to 16

Securing all cable route and other infrastructure properties,

Statutory resolution of the development plan,

Grid connection contract.

Abstract illustration of building

Months 4 to 7

Official presentation of the project to the community,

 Municipality decision,

Urban development planning.

Abstract illustration of arches

Months 17 to 20

Conclusion of the financing agreements with the bank financing the project,

Application for building permit.

Abstract illustration of a building

Months 8 to 12

Preparation of studies and reports, especially nature conservation.

Abstract illustration of a leaf growing

Months 21 to 24

Receipt of building permit

Start of construction
Commissioning and payment of the first usage fee.

Get to Know Us

We offer a comprehensive package of resources and services to facilitate their success, including supporting business development in target markets, identifying promising project pipelines, securing financing and optimizing acquisition, transaction and financing processes.


We present our clients with a tailored portfolio of strategic approaches and opportunistic projects and foster a collaborative environment where many of our former clients have become valued co-investors and partners. Let our experience and connections become your competitive advantage in the renewable energy space.

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